Everything I know about Germany - Eine Australierin schreibt über Deutschland

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    In honour of the excellence that is the German idiom, I have compiled some of my favourites, the direct English translation and then the English counterpart (the former and the latter most often not being the same thing.)

    — It goes DE // Direct Translation // EN Idiom Counterpart —

    * Um den heißen Brei herumreden. // To talk around the hot soup. // To beat around the bush.

    * Man soll den Ast nicht absägen, auf dem man sitzt. // One shouldn’t saw off the branch he’s sitting on. // Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face.

    * Jemanden Honig um den Mund schmieren. // To smear honey around someone’s mouth. // To butter someone up.

    * Sich in den Arsch beißen. // To bite oneself in the arse. // To kick oneself.

    * Sich auf die Socken machen. // To make the socks. // To make tracks.

    * Sie spielt die beleidigte Leberwurst. // She’s playing the insulted sausage. // She’s in a huff.

    * Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof. // I can only understand ‘train station’. // It’s all Greek to me.

    * Hier spielt die Musik. // This is where the music is playing. // This is where the action is.

    * Jemanden ausnehmen wie eine weihnachtsgans. // To gut someone like a Christmas goose. // To take somebody to the cleaners.

    * Arschgeige. // Arse violin. // Arsehole.

    * Dumm wie Bohnenstroh. // As dumb as a bean straw. // As thick as a brick, or as dumb as a post.

    * Daumen drücken! // To press your thumbs. // To cross your fingers.

    * Die Kirche im Dorf lassen. // To leave the church in the village. // To not get carried away.

    * Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein. // My dear Mr Choir. // My Goodness!

    * Schwein haben. // To have a pig. // To have a stroke of luck.

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