Infos querbeet zu NPs, NMs, SPs, etc.

  • Did You Know South Dakota Is Home To One Of The Oldest National Parks In The US?

    Mehr Infos und Bilder gibt es hier.

  • Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Lakeview Drive road construction project to conclude this spring


  • Japan to donate 250 new cherry blossom trees to U.S.


  • Blackstone River Valley NHP

    First Strike Festival at Old Slater Mill – 200 Year Anniversary


    Pawtucket, Rhode Island— On Saturday, May 11, 2024, the public is invited to the First Strike Festival at Old Slater Mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Come for a day of live music, history, and family friendly fun. Hosted at 67 Roosevelt Avenue, Pawtucket, RI, from 12:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. This is a free event.

    In 1824, one hundred women weavers walked out of textile mills in the village of Pawtucket, beginning the first industrial labor strike in United States history. The National Park Service commemorates this strike with an annual festival, now in its third year. All are invited to see new mini exhibits in honor of the 200th anniversary of this event, to tour the historic mill, and to spend the day enjoying the grounds at Old Slater Mill National Historic Landmark. Bring a blanket and picnic, play old time games, and relax with performances from singers, songwriters, and dancers.

    Pawtucket-based singer-songwriter J. Michael Graham will serve as the MC for First Strike. He will be followed by the award-winning singer Kim Moberg, whose set will begin at 12:30 P.M. Students from the Jacqueline M. Walsh School for the Performing and Visual Arts (Pawtucket, RI) will follow Moberg with a dance inspired by the 1824 women strikers at 1:30 P.M. The Mystic Garland Dancers will perform at 2:00 P.M. and rally the audience for a May Pole Dance. Connecticut State Troubadour Kala Farnham will perform at 2:45 P.M. Don’t miss live spinning demonstrations and other outdoor fun throughout the day.

    Throughout the day, park rangers will offer free tours and labor history talks inside and outside of Slater Mill. Tours of the mill (limited to 25 persons) will be offered at 10:30 A.M, 12:30 P.M., and 2:30 P.M. Visitors are also encouraged to listen to a Labor History Talk with a ranger (offered on the hour, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 P.M.) or hear a longer open-air presentation about the 1824 strike at 11:30 A.M. or 3:30 P.M. All are encouraged to check out partner tables with staff from the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor, Everyday Anthropology, Wedges of Time, RI Labor History Society, RI Spinners Guild, and the URI Master Gardeners.


  • Waren mal wieder ein paar Bekloppte unterwegs ...

    Wer den Red Stone Dune Trail kennt, weiß wie schön die Gegend ist.

    Leider zu leicht erreichbar.

    Men caught on camera destroying protected rock formations at Lake Mead National Recreation Area
    “Why would you even do something like this, like why on Earth would you do this?”

  • In US-Nationalpark in Wyoming: Grizzly-Mutter greift Veteranen beim Wandern an


  • Man wollte sich doch mit den Natives einigen, durch deren Gebiet die Straße führt, vielleicht soll eine Begrenzung der Besucher dazu beitragen, dass wieder geöffnet werden kann und die bereiten sich schon mal darauf vor. :?:

  • Rocky Mountain National Park: Trail Ridge Road Opens For The Season Timed Entry Permit Reservations Required For Trail Ridge Road 9 am to 2 pm


  • Devils Postpile National Monument:

    Link mit Shuttle-Schedule

  • Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

    Safety Guidelines During Lake Powell’s Spring Runoff


    Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is pleased to announce that snowpack in the headwaters of the Colorado River and its tributaries is resulting in a spring runoff that is positively affecting Lake Powell water levels for the 2024 summer boating season. Rapidly rising water levels in Lake Powell also require increased attention to important safety measures.

    Use caution when anchoring your vessel or parking your vehicle, since during spring runoff lake levels can rise up to two feet per day and result in rapid changes to the shoreline. Property left near the shoreline can quickly become submerged in mud and/or water. Depending on the grade of land, a foot of water rising vertically will cover approximately 30 to 50 feet of land horizontally. Visitors should park 300 to 400 feet away from water's edge, as a week-long visitor’s vehicle could be inundated (depending on the inflow of water and location). While boating, always approach the shore with caution and watch for shallows and submerged debris. Boat operators need to use extreme caution while navigating the lake, as large debris may be present. Boaters are advised to follow the main channel buoys which mark good water. Crossing over may result in accidents due to water barely covering shelves, such as at Buoy 94 near Stanton Creek. Find additional safety information on our website.

    Please be aware that due to many dynamic factors affecting Lake Powell’s water elevations, it is not possible to know when a specific water level will be reached. Please be sure to check the park’s Changing Lake Levels webpage for the status of lake levels and Lake Powell boat ramps and marina services, prior to heading to the lake. As of June 5, Lake Powell's elevation was 3571.83 feet Above Sea Level (ASL). Lake Powell's daily elevations are also posted by the US Bureau of Reclamation and the Lake Powell Water Database.


  • Ein Paradies für Hippies


  • Great-Smoky-Mountains-Nationalpark


    Der Great-Smoky-Mountains-Nationalpark liegt in den Appalachen auf dem Gebiet der US-Bundesstaaten North Carolina und Tennessee. Er wurde am 15. Juni 1934 eingerichtet und gehört heute zum Weltnaturerbe. Der Wald, der den Park bedeckt, gehört zu den ältesten Wäldern der Erde und ist das größte Urwaldgebiet im Osten der USA.

    Der Park ist mit acht bis zehn Millionen Besuchern pro Jahr der meistbesuchte Nationalpark in den USA, trotzdem beschränkt sich der Verkehr auf die größeren Straßen. Die 450 Kilometer Straße abseits der Hauptwege und die 1400 Kilometer Wanderwege des Parks sind verhältnismäßig wenig frequentiert. Der Park wurde nach dem gleichnamigen Gebirgszug Great Smoky Mountains benannt, in dem er sich befindet.

    Link zu Wikipedia

  • Glacier National Park’s Popular Going-to-the-Sun Road Is Fully Open for Summer — but You’ll Need a Reservation


  • Biden-Harris Administration Establishes Blackwell School National Historic Site as America’s Newest National Park


  • Aufatmen rund um Jasper


  • Keine Ahnung woher die von der Frankfurter Rundschau ihre Informationen beziehen, denn auf der offiziellen Webseite des Parks steht folgendes:

    The Jasper Wildfire Complex remains out of control.

    Ich hänge mal den Link an. Da finden Interessierte tagesaktuelle Informationen zu den Feuern rund um Jasper. KLICK

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