Infos querbeet zu NPs, NMs, SPs, etc.

  • Time capsule from 1941 unearthed at Indiana Dunes National Park

    Link mit Bildern

  • Inside the eeriest National Park in America


  • Lockte zahlreiche Touristen an - "Queen der Grand Tetons" ist tot


  • Mojave National Preserve


  • Glacier National Park announces a timed entry vehicle reservation pilot for 2025


  • If you're planning a trip to a national park in 2025, you may need to book a reservation to enter. Rocky Mountain, Arches and Glacier National Parks will all be implementing a reservation entry system for part of the year.


  • Als ich den Thread gesehen habe, habe ich mich gefreut, nächstes Jahr die Zeltfelsen noch mal anzuschauen. Auf der BLM-Seite wurde die Freude dann gedämpft. Nur mit Reservierung vorab und für $20 pro Person ab 16 Jahren kommt man jetzt in den Genuss des Besuchs und das ist es mir nicht wert. Der einzige Besuch von uns dort war leider zeitlich etwas knapp gewesen, aber zu den genannten Konditionen werde ich auf einen weiteren Besuch verzichten.

    In diesem Sinne
    liebe Grüße von Stefan :)


    Wer unsere Reisen nach- und miterleben möchte, ist hier jederzeit willkommen!
    Bei 32.png kleinen und großen Stammtischtreffen dabei

  • New national monuments


  • Secretary Haaland Joins President Biden as He Designates Frances Perkins National Monument


  • National Park Service to begin major rehabilitation of Laurel Falls Trail in January


  • Wer plant, zum 4. Juli in Washington den dortigen Event zu besuchen, sollte sich diese Infos anschauen.

    Washington, DC, Fourth of July Celebration


    Map of July 4th Event Areas

    Special closures and security access points are in place on the National Mall & Memorial Parks on July 4 in support of the annual Fireworks Display. There are also medical aid stations, safe havens for weather events, restrooms, and other amenities set up in event-viewing areas for visitor safety and comfort.

    Link mit mehr Infos und Karten

  • Dinosaur National Monument

    Quarry Exhibit Hall will temporarily close in Fall 2025 for road, sidewalk, and parking lot work


    The National Park Service announces a major road, parking lot, and sidewalk reconstruction project in the Utah portion of Dinosaur National Monument for 2025. To conduct the work safely and efficiently, the Dinosaur Quarry Exhibit Hall will temporarily close to all visitor access from September 8, 2025, through late October 2025.

    The Quarry Exhibit Hall, also known as the ‘Wall of Bones’ is the most popular area to visit in Dinosaur National Monument. The building is located approximately seven miles north of Jensen, Utah. It sits over a preserved section of the historic Carnegie dinosaur fossil quarry where visitors can see approximately 1,500 dinosaur fossils still encased in the rock. The site attracts approximately 300,000 visitors per year. It was originally built in 1955 and remodeled in 2011.

    The work around the Quarry Exhibit Hall is part of a larger project managed by the Federal Highways Administration that will reconstruct the monument road from the boundary, past the entrance station, and to the exhibit hall. Around the Quarry Exhibit Hall, extensive concrete and asphalt work, and accessibility improvements will be completed. A new sidewalk will be constructed that links the Fossil Discovery Trail with the Quarry Exhibit Hall. Excavation of up to ten feet deep will occur in the exhibit hall parking lot. Project managers looked at several alternatives to preserve access to the Quarry Exhibit Hall, but a full closure was deemed necessary to ensure public safety while completing the work. Staff identified the least disruptive window that allows temperatures suitable for the paving as September 8, 2025, to late October 2025.

    The closure will only impact the Quarry Exhibit Hall. The remaining 210,000 acres of Dinosaur National Monument, with its dramatic river canyons, petroglyphs, varied wildlife, scenic drives and hiking trails will remain open. The Quarry Visitor Center and the Fossil Discovery Trail, where visitors can see unexcavated fossils, will also remain open.

    “We recognize that people travel from across the country and around the globe to see the dinosaur fossils at the monument, and this closure is an unfortunate impact to visitors and our local communities, but it is necessary to correct some serious issues and preserve access for the future,” said Superintendent Phil Akers.


  • Glacier National Park - Repeat Photos of Grinnell Glacier


    These two image show, approximately, what George Bird Grinnell’s namesake glacier looked like when he saw it for the first time, on the left, and when he saw it last, on the right.

    Mehr Fotos als nur zwei aus alter und neuer Zeit und mehr Infos zum Gletscher und Namensgeber gibt es hier.

  • Glacier Park to provide limited access to Many Glacier during 2025 Swiftcurrent construction


  • Glacier National Park - Timed Entry Vehicle Reservations open February 13

    Genaue Infos hier.

  • Arbeitskräftemangel in US-Nationalparks droht im Sommer 2025


  • 150 years ago: Mackinac Island becomes 2nd US National Park


  • Everglades National Park begins Pa-Hay-Okee Overlook trail replacement project


    On March 17, Everglades National Park will begin a six-month project to replace the aging Pa-Hay-Okee Overlook boardwalk trail and tower, both of which show signs of wear and deterioration. While the Pa-Hay-Okee Road will remain open as a turnaround, the tower, boardwalk and parking lot will be closed for the duration of the project. The trail is scheduled to reopen after completion in the fall.

    “Pa-Hay-Okee Overlook is a favorite stop for many park visitors as it offers a bird’s-eye view of the vast Everglades ecosystem,” said Superintendent Pedro Ramos of Everglades National Park. “We are excited to undertake this project to ensure that future generations can safely experience this unique perspective of the river of grass.”

    Located 13 miles from the park’s Homestead entrance, the Pa-Hay-Okee Overlook is a 0.16 mile trail that provides a uniquely elevated view of the park’s landscape. In addition to replacing the 15-feet high tower and the boardwalk trail, the project will also improve the parking area and enhance accessibility and pedestrian flow. The project will be completed by the same contractors The contracted work will be done by the same company that previously replaced the decking and structures on both the Anhinga and Bobcat Boardwalk Trails.

    This project is funded through recreation fee funds collected from park entrance fees and reinvested into park improvements. The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) enables the National Park Service (NPS) to collect recreation fees and to retain fee revenues to improve the visitor experience. This trail upgrade is part of ongoing efforts to address aging infrastructure throughout the park and ensure long-term safety and sustainability.


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